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What Our Supporters and Event Participants Are Saying

N​ancy Ithier:  Saturday, Outdoor Dreams invited the Troop to come out again and they really took care of us. We had a lot of new scouts who didn't get to particpate last year and they had a blast, as well as the boys returning.  They had a search and rescue dog there - Romeo, with his trainer and handler Ms. Dodge, and Nelson County Sheriff Deputy McDonald and Thacker with K9 Nickedemus, who lectured on drug use, consequences and showed the boys how K9 sniffs out drugs which were hidden on some of our vehciles.  CW4 Shane Leipertz spoke to them about their goals in life and talked little about  his own military career and his faith.  They also had a Zookeeper and animal trainer Isaiah Blair who brought some awesome animals.  Then the boys were able to shoot skeet, which for some was the first time they had ever handled a gun. And I can't forget how well they fed us. So  a big Thank You to Pete Rose and everyone associated with Outdoor Dreams for all you did for Troop 917. We had a great time.

Janet Rose:  It's been a pleasure and a blessing, to work and serve the community through Outdoor Dreams events.  I especially enjoy packing the bags each year for the youth at local schools, for Secret Santa, and helping with having Santa visit the schools.  The members of this organization are teaching children valuable life lessons and how to be good stewards of wildlife and wildlife habitats.  The summer day camps are a great opportunity to get children to go outside and get active.  The events are educational and fun. The organization also supports local sporting events through the youth league and has been a sponsor of Relay for Life in multiple counties.  This organization is definitely about giving back to the community as all services are provided free of charge.  All worker's are volunteers and all events are funded strictly through donations and fund raising events.  

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