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"Keeping The Outdoor Fun Alive"

Outdoor Dreams is now engaging in youth hunts and other outdoor activities for the youth throughout the year. We are dedicated to teaching the youth to preserve our outdoor resources. We will be open to all youth between the ages of 6 and 17 who would like to experience the adventures of the outdoors.

Our events will be both educational and fun. We hope to create memories for youth that will last a lifetime. Come experience some of the many adventures that the outdoors has to offer.

What we offer
- Teaching the youth to preserve outdoor resources
- Exploring the outdoor experience
- Great memories that will last a life time
- Open to all youth between ages 6-17
- All of these events are both educational and fun
Physically Challenged Hunt Dates~2023
- Physically Challenged for Archery (October 11th,2023)
- Physically Challenged hunts for Black Powder (November 8th & 15th, 2023)
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about our organization

©Outdoor Dreamns, Inc
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