"Keeping The Outdoor Fun Alive"
WELCOME TO OUTDOOR DREAMS 501c3 Non-profit organization
Outdoor Dreams is now engaging in youth hunts and other outdoor activities for youth throughout the year. We are dedicated to teaching youth to preserve our outdoor resources. We will be open to youth between the ages of 6 thru 17 who would like to experience the adventures of the outdoors.
Our events are both educational and fun. We hope to create memories for youths that will last for a lifetime. Come and experience some of the many adventures that the outdoors has to offer.
Our Mission

To offer a place for children and physically challenged individuals to enjoy and experience outdoor adventures ranging from hunting, atv trails and camping. We will provide a lunch and the children will be supervised by an adult organization member, one adult per child. To qualify you must be in the 1ST grade.

For physically challenged individuals, we offer white tail deer hunts. Each hunter will be assisted by a member and placed in a group. We will provide a wheel chair ramp. wounded veterans or any person with a physically challenged condition can apply.
When & Where

We will advertise each event on OutdoorDreams and via newspaper. We will select participants on a first apply basis until the spots are filled. Any applicant who was not accepted will be first in line for an open spot.
Please feel free to contact me via email at:
pete@outdoordreams.co FAX 434 -361 - 6011
with any questions you may have about the organization
© OutdoorDreams, Inc